Sunday, October 2, 2011

Same Color Walls and Mouldings

Suzanne Kasler, Kim Winkler - House Beautiful

Using the same color on walls and mouldings in interiors can be effective in doing many things.  Most importantly, it makes the lines or bands of contrast go away and a stronger, bolder, somewhat more contemporary look emerges.  Where contrasting moulding might have visually divided up the space above, it is now unified with one color statement.  Those beautiful, rich wood doors really stand out in this single color space.

Gwen Driscoll - Elle Decor

The graceful lines of the furniture and rich color in the artwork stand out in this interior.  The same color treament updates and modernizes the traditional furnishings.

Kay Douglass - House Beautiful

Painting the wall mouldings and door the same color as the walls simplifies the look in this dining room. The texture of the ceiling is allowed to be the star.

Barry Dixon - Traditional Home

The colorful artwork really stands out on the wall with mouldings subdued by a same color treatment.  

Barry Dixon - Traditional Home

The intricate carving in the mouldings above is actually more pronounced.  If they had been painted a contrasting color you would have noticed the banding or lines of the moulding, not the detail of the carving.

Barbara Westbrook - House Beautiful

Here the same color on the mouldings gives a bigger impact to the overall design.  That smokiness and romantic quality would have been destroyed with the crispness of white mouldings.

Elaine Griffin - Elle Decor

This color makes a bolder statement painted on walls, baseboards, and window trim and shutters.

Robert Goodwin - House Beautiful

The gilded antiques above are set against a simple backdrop that is not fussed with a contrasting moulding.

Kay Douglass - Veranda

Just gorgeous.  A simplified, modernized version of a traditional dining room.  It doesn't forget it's past, but is such a creative and dramatic reinvention.

While not appropriate in every situation, the same color used on walls, mouldings, and doors can add an updated, bolder look to a room.  The lines running around the room or "outlining" disappears and color envelopes the space.  The objects in the room become more visually pronounced and emphasized. What a great tool for instantly changing the look or feel in a room!


  1. I am somehow partial to using a shade of white for mouldings. However, these spaces proves that we can use other colors.

    Lovely spaces you've featured and good point you've shared ♥

  2. Carla I have been seeing this done more and more. It does ground the room and not distract the eye from the furnishings!

    I hope you will visit my site and let me know what you think of my Autumn decor, so far..


    Art by Karena

  3. Beautiful examples of this unifying trend. As a matter of fact that first shot is one of my best friend's dining rooms in Atlanta!!

  4. Most of the rooms in our house only have 8 ft ceilings so I've often wondered if having the moldings be the same color would make them feel taller. I did paint the crown molding in our living room the same as the wall but haven't taken the plunge to paint out the baseboards. Maybe I should do a section to see how it looks before committing to it all...

    Great post - loved all the pics you showed.

  5. Yep love it! Like wearing a shoe color that matches your stockings (does anyone even wear stockings anymore?)

  6. oh very lovely and pulled together rooms and decors..I think I like the same color wall color and trim idea..then let your furnishings and art be the center of attention...

  7. Great suggestion Carla....I will really consider this for the living room and kitchen I will be painting in the next week or so.

  8. I love same color walls and mouldings. That's what I've done in my home and recommend to clients often. If not I like the mouldings darker that the walls for a twist on the traditional dark wall with light trim. Have a great week. Mona

  9. I think lower ceiling homes can really benefit from this design approach! Love all your beautiful examples!

    Have a great week, Carla!


  10. I totally adore this look. I am dying to do my kitchen in a similar way with the cabinetry walls and molding all the same color! Just waiting for the hubby to give me the go ahead. M.

  11. Great post. In some designs the moulding just takes away from the design. What drives me crazy is when a client refuses to paint oak moulding because it is good wood! No one walks into a room and says good wood! They walk in and notice a beautiful room. It is usually older men that wont paint the moulding. Drives me nuts!

  12. Wow, Carla, love this post! So effective!
    The room in gray by Westbrook is amazing. Pinning that one.
    Have a great day.

  13. Another great post, Carla! This just confirms that there are no "rules"... I like your "dramatic reinvention" statement. Well said.

  14. Great post!
    I love this -- and I always suggest to friends they paint their chair molding. People often think it needs to be white, and unless it's all white, it kinda breaks up the room to me. Visually speaking, that is. This brings home the point.

  15. I love this look...have for a while. It works with any style, which is so great.

    I recently did this in a more contemporary home...the painter told me it looks institutional. I told him to stick to painting, thank you very much. Regardless, the client loved it. :)


  16. I loved this post. The beautiful wood door and ceiling really pop when the surrounding colors are the same. Thank you for the post.

    xo, Lissy Parker
