Saturday, May 25, 2013

Home Office Plan Give Away!

Yes,  a give away....a Trendy Glam Home Office Design!

With links and info to do-it-yourself.

And check out our mad skills on Sketchup. My girls in the studio are amazing!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

How To Sell An Idea - Lessons from Jimmy Fallon

He's hot right now, isn't he? 

There's something I've noticed about him that I can apply to my work and YOU can apply to YOURS. 

Check it out HERE.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Check this out! Learning some new skills...or hiring some, that is.

Cool, huh? 

Getting these pretty photoshop images done for some of my more special posts. 

Check out the post at my new blog.....HERE.

Thanks so much for checking it out!

Visit InfoServe for Blogger backgrounds or to create a website.