Saturday, May 5, 2012

Color, A Powerful Element of Design

The most noticeable of all the elements of design is color. 

Jamie Drake - House Beautiful

That's Design 101.

Some of you might wish to debate that, but I checked back in my textbooks. 


it's color.

Because one of the first things your eye recognizes when you look at something, whether it's a piece of art, signage, fashion, an interior, anything color.

 Mark Rothko poster -

Hillary Thomas and Jeff Lincoln - House Beautiful

Want to make a statement?

Stand out from the crowd?

Use some color.

Jonathan Berger - House Beautiful

My marketing/website designer and I have been in many discussions about the look of my new site.  He's a fan of various colors.  I can see his point.....especially after my bit of research.  However, I want my work's images to be the first thing someone notices on my site, not the copy, or the sidebar. 

Sooooooo, am I right???

We'll see.  I'm not sure who's going to win this one yet. 
He's really sure of himself!


  1. When I go through pinterest, if the color doesn't catch my eye, it doesn't get attention. I can scan a page and choose the images I love, and time and time again they are made up of the color schemes and styles that I love. Great test for seeing what a client likes.
    Great post and so helpful Carla, as always.

  2. I vote for color! Just go for it, I am sure it will look awesome, Carla. Can't wait to see your website's new design!


  3. Oh yes... yay for color,
    can't imagine our world without it.

  4. Well, being a complete color lunatic, I still believe that you DO want your images to be the focal point. Which you STILL can do while incorporating a lot of color.

    Looking forward to seeing the end result...what did you ever do about a name change? Yay or nay (I say nay fwiw)

  5. Well, don´t forget to share your new website with us! I can´t wait!

  6. So true, color has huge appeal but needs to have back up of great design. It's like with anything of beauty - it is instant attraction but without substance, is not of lasting interest!!

  7. Totally agree with you on color being a top design element.

    I'm looking forward to your new web site. Will be interesting to see what colors you choose. I prefer subtle cool colors, but that's my design palette.

    Cheers, Loi

  8. Carla, this one i am not sure. If he is an expert in designing decor blogs and web sites maybe you should lesson to him or come some where in the middle. Cant wait to see what you do. I would love to know what he says about marketing ideas.

  9. I've been so fond of neutrals, but am loving a pop of color in designs now. Adore these images and can't wait to see what you choose!!

  10. Oh Julie, I'm sure he's doing a big happy dance right now! He'll be thrilled you told me to listen to him. Ha!

    Actually, we've got a true love/hate relationship now and I'm beginning to feel he knows me like a book. I'm working on more than my website here, my brand and future business offerings. He's pushing me outside my comfort zone which is exactly what I wanted him to do, but I've done so kicking and screaming. You should see some of our e-mails...they're quite outrageous! You know, two creative types working together on one project....Yikes!
